Life Is A Road Trip

The Amazing Adventures of a Zoobroker and a Sentiographer

national park

Custer, SD and Crazy Horse

south dakota, SpamZalotMatt Hill2 Comments

  You may not know, But I am a descendant of Custer. Yes, that Custer. So, knowing I’d be near the National Park by his name, we thought we’d drop by so I could pay my respects. The town of Custer, SD is tiny, with about 3,000 residents. “Imagine being a student at school there,” remarked Zoo. “We’re going to massacre you!”

Mauvais goux, but true, I assume. Have to say the National Park was breathtaking. Windy roads and (a few) buffalo. The Black Hills are truly wonderful. Visit if you can.

We also visited Crazy Horse - amazing to see something that will rival Mt. Rushmore in progress. Ten more years and the horse's head will be done. 100 years and the whole thing will be done.